I am quite satisfied that E. Macron won by a large majority (58.5%) against M. Le Pen (41.5%) but he faces more or less 60% opposition at the national level. How does it come?
Dominique Reynié, one of the most lucid political commentators of French politics, draw our attention on the 62% opposition to Macron.
There is a confusion with the percentage if we don’t express percent of what?
If we consider registered voters (people in age to vote), we have for M. Le Pen (27%) of registered voters, abstention (28%), white vote (5%) and invalid vote (2%). The total amounts to 62% of registered voters. These 62% are in major part against Macron. They will go to the street for any structural reforms (if any) proposed by E. Macron. To start with the necessary pension reform.
The second point is that Macron is from the center, neither left nor right he is surfing on the wave but does not give the impression he knows where the wave comes from and will lead him. He is is proposing a new way of leading the country, including all opinions.
Yes “Our country is beset by doubts and divisions” and, as usual, these divisions will express themselves in the street with more or less violent protests.
I don’t expect la République en Marche (the Macron’s party) to get the majority for the next legislative election. This is a party not even respected by Macron.