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Jean-Pierre Dumas

Le blog de Jean-Pierre Dumas
Son objectif: proposer des papiers sur des problèmes économiques vus à travers la théorie et les faits.

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The TPI against the OMT

Jean-Pierre Dumas 22 septembre, 2022 The Transmission Protection Instrument (TPI) is an instrument invented by the ECB (2022) to allow...

I declare before you

“I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great...

A single Euro-area’s fiscal policy ?

If I am not wrong, this is what the IMF is proposing. The IMF is proposing no less than “a new “fiscal capacity” funded by common debt...

J. Powell prend de court (“undercut”) la BCE

Source CNBC Jean-Pierre Dumas, mercredi 31 août 2022 Le discours de J. Powell, à Jackson Hole (le 26 août 2022) est important tant pour...

A wrong fiscal strategy

The motto of the French President is “protect the French people”, protect against covid, protect against inflation, protect against...

What do you prefer, “gradually” or “orderly”?

This is the kind of discussion between Euro-central bankers nowadays about interest rate policy, when the EZ inflation rate equals 8% in...

The beginning of the end of QE?

JP Dumas Wednesday, June 8, 2022 If Mme Lagarde is serious about stopping QE (ECB’s bond-buying), this will be the beginning of the end...

At last somebody responsible in the room

Mr. Lindner, the German finance Minister is an ardent proponent of returning to the debt brake as quickly as possible. “The decision to...

Macron-Le Pen un combat entre deux visions du monde

Jean-Pierre Dumas 18 avril 2022 L’élection présidentielle française, qui va se dérouler le 24 avril, porte sur un choix de civilisation....

Macron-Le Pen a fight between two visions of the world

Jean-Pierre Dumas April 15, 2022 Yes, this is an important time for France, the race to the presidential election is now between two...

Macron, malgré tout

Jean-Pierre Dumas March 21, 2022 Ania Nussbaum raises the right question about French election Bloomberg, Why-it-s-hard-for-a-French-pres...

Poutine est en train de perdre

Jean-Pierre Dumas lundi 28 février 2022 revu le 13 mars 2022 Certains disent que finalement l’Europe n’a que ce qu’elle mérite ; devant...

IMF conditionalities are vanishing

Jean-Pierre Dumas February 3, 2022 We have the feeling that the IMF is more and more evolving as a super NGO, of course, we exaggerate,...

“The absurdity of the debt brake”

For a lot of economists (M. Krugman, O. Blanchard, E. Kelton, almost all Keynesians, there is no limit to the list), the debt limit is an...

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